Dear friends!
Based on the radio amateur code, formulated by the American radio amateur Paul M. Segal,
W9EAA in 1928, the «Central Siberia DX-club» founded an annual contest for all radio
amateurs of the World – “HAM Spirit Contest” which will be held on the last full weekend of
October – CW and last full weekend in November – SSB.
We invite you to take an active part in this contest.
CW HAM Spirit Contest:
Start: October 28, 2023 at 06:00 UTC.
End: October 29, 2023 at 05:59 UTC.
Scoring time 24 hours.
Six bands only: 160 м, 80 м, 40 м, 20 м, 15 м, 10 м.
Single Op All Bands (Low/High)
Single Op Single Band (SOSB)
The entrants may use QSO finding assistance technology or other source that provides call sign or multiplier identification such as CW decoder, DX cluster, DX spotting Web sites, e.g.
Exchange: RST + ITU Zone No. + 2-character Grid Field
QSO Points:
1 point per QSO with same ITU zone;
3 points per QSO with different ITU zone same continent;
5 points per QSO with different continent and different ITU zone;
Each unique combination of ITU zone and grid field once per band
Find rules at:
Contest software:
Contest software:
N1MM, N1MM+, TR4W, DXLOG, 5MC, AA-test. And any other loggers adapted for the
HAM Spirit contest.,,,,
Best regards,
Chairman of the HAM Spirit Contest committee
Anatoly RC9O